Masterworks International Publishing has now re-printed all of Kitselman books so that, once again, they are available to today's audiences.
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Would you like to .. Improve your conduct? Is there a habit you'd like to get rid of? Experience extreme physical pleasure? Intense, ever-fresh happiness? Deep impartial calmness? Lose the feeling of insecurity? Make an end of doubt and perplexity? Lose all sense of fear, hatred, and grief? Become a prodigy in science, government, business, art or education? A genius in originality, mental grasp, or in understanding others? Would you like to develop supernormal powers? Become fully integrated? To be directly aware of things (without needing to sense them or think about them)? To realize a state of being in which there is no obstruction?
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E-Therapy reviews from the 1950s
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The Institute of Integration, founded by A. L. Kitselman in the early 1950s, produced a large library of audio tapes on personal psychological integration. Kitselman felt that three of those lectures, concerning the process of integration through ‘E-Therapy,’ were of such significant and special interest as to warrant printing them in booklet form in 1960.
This book is in the form of an imagined dialogue in which author A. L. Kitselman answers questions, argues and provokes to deepen the reader's understanding of all the issues explored throughout.
Originally published in 1936 this faithful reprint of Kitselman's re-statement of the Taoist classic the Tao Teh King is lavishly illustrated with over 45 black and white photographs. It includes the transcription of an audio lecture given by Kitsleman in 1953 on his discovery of the usage of the Tao Teh King as a form of non-directive psychotherapy.
This presentation volume is published in hardback only.
The Fuse is set in the Golden Age of Hollywood. Kitselman’s main character, Jedediah Strong, simultaneously seduces, and then convinces, three young women to accompany him to the Nevada desert where, in the company of seasoned actresses and charismatic men living outside of society, he teaches them about love and sex whilst opening their eyes to their essential selves.
Beau Kitselman created the 'The Integrator Journal' in late 1952. Before this he had contributed extensively to a short-lived series of journals known as 'Plus and Minus - A Journal of E-Therapy', that was published by Dee Swygard in the spring and summer of 1952. Plus and Minus was focused on Kitselman's work which he called 'E-Therapy' and personal psychological integration. The Integrator Journal continued the work of the earlier Plus and Minus.
Following a long series of successful experiments in 1933, aimed at predicting the results of a simple coin toss, A. L. Kitselman realized that human consciousness must be able to operate outside of the constraints of time and space.